06 August 2010

Britain at its best

Look at your laptop bag ...

Is it Knomo?

If you had to look, then it's not.

More to come ....

So you think you can write

And who doesn't.

I think I can write ... and I presume most bloggers out there think they can write too. But do you think that you are that good that you can actually make money from your writing.

If the answer is yes, then you definitely need to check out http://www.elance.com/ which a friend of mine introduced me too a couple of weeks ago after we were brainstorming over coffee about what I could do with my life.

Elance.com allows companies and/or individuals to outsource their work to freelance professionals with a bidding concept style. So after paying a measly sign up fee of USD 10.00, you can either be the individivual (or company) that puts a job online, "hire" or you can be that freelance professional looking for "work".

Jobs range from web programmers, designers, researches to of course ... writers.

I actually went ahead and signed up and whilst I am far from a freelance professional, I have to admit that I enjoyed spending a fair amount of time looking at the jobs available online. There were a few jobs for "hire" that I quite honestly mulled over, but hey, who am I kidding.

So, if you think you can write, and get paid for it, then elance.com will definitely not waste your time or your 10 bucks.

For a more headstrong approach, if you do think you have something of interest to say, then jot it down and send it to a number of magazines editors and one of them may actually pick it up and publish it.

Well that's what happened to me ... but that was a long long long time ago ...

04 August 2010

I talk "tech" and she talks "vogue"

Now don't get me wrong ... whilst my sister thinks I'm adopted because I talk "tech" and she talks "vogue", I am anything but a gadget girl. But I do try, and I repeat the word try, to keep up with the latest outbreaks in the technology world of today.

Though, let's not go overboard. I don't buy computer magazines and I would definitely not call myself a geek, but on the other hand, I am in competition with my eight year old son that through no help of mine, was able to clearly define the in's and out's of Apple's much awaited for ipad before it was even released.

However having said the above, I am fully equipped with the likes of a Blackberry (Bold 9000), a USB stick (more to come on that), a Sony Vaio Pink Computer, an ipod (though sorry to say, not an Apple), a bright pink Olympus digital camera (though who doesn't have one of these, well apart from my mum!!) and I am now contemplating on purchasing for my son (well I have to have some excuse), the imac 21.5", which you just have to adore!

And to be brutally honest ... I am actually thinking of departing from my dearly beloved friend of nearly 20 years, Microsoft, to my new best buddy of the future, Apple. I think I must of checked out the imac over a thousand times, both retail and online. And if it weren't for my job being on the line (and let's not even go there) and the cutiest little pug puppy that I have already promised my son, the imac would most definitely be standing proud in my home.

So whilst sometimes my sister and I are NOT on the same page, it is important to point out that the majority of my so called little "tech" companions all fit perfectly in what can only be described as complimenting my heels ... my little black classic Longchamp bag ...

... now who said I can't talk "vogue".

Diary Dilemmas 2010/2011

Once again, it's that time of the year where I spend endless days searching and searching for that perfect diary that will keep both myself and my eight year old son organised for the months that lie ahead.

Oh, let me clarify that, the searching is done online but in heels!

School outings, Birthday parties, Family birthdays, Doctors appointments, Dentist appointments, and Daddy days all have to be jam packed into one "organiser" so that no stone is left unturned.

Way back in 2004 or it could have been 2005, again on one of my yearly trips home visting the folks downunder, I came across the ultimate in mummy diaries: Mom's Plan-It - a 17 Month Planner. It allowed me to combine work and home with a simple flip of a page. Additionally, it had the cutest little stickers to remind you of upcoming events and each page had a little tear out section for your daily grocery shopping. Yes, it nearly did everything but cook.

But isn't it just the case that when you really really really like something - you can't seem to find it anymore.

So today, I put all things aside, sat back and my heels and I did alot of "walking" online.

My thanks go out to Avalanche Publishing in the US who produce the range of Mom's Plan-It organiser / diaries / planners. Definitely must have been a woman's idea!

If you wish to get "organised" visit http://www.avalanchepub.com/

Of course if worse comes to worse, all is technically backed up on my Blackberry!!!!

No more belated birthday cards

It was my father's birthday today (Happy Birthday Dad) and surprisingly enough, for once in my life, I was not late in sending out his birthday card. Why? Simple! Because I used a great new online concept that my sister introduced me to ... "moonpig".

Instead of rushing around (in my heels of course), trying to find that perfect card and then having to spend hours queued up at the Post Office, from my office or home, I simply log into my moonpig account and in three (3) easy steps, I choose my card, personalise it and then pay for it. Moonpig then go about printing it and sending it for me.

Off course, you must still be a little organised ... don't expect same day delivery ... but it does save you that runaround.

And didn't the guys at moonpig think of it all. For my folks, I log onto the Ozzie website (http://www.moonpig.com.au/), if I want to send something to my sister in London, then I log onto the UK website (http://www.moonpig.co.uk/) and the same applies if you wish to send something to the US (http://www.moonpig.com/). And I'm sure in time, moonpig will have the other parts of the world covered too.

Think moonpig for any occassion, if you want a greeting card sent by mail without the "e".

Now why didn't I think of that ....

How many times have you seen something and thought "now why didn't I think of that". Such a simple idea that could have generated millions into your bank account, but the problem being, someone else thought of it first.

That is exactly how I felt after my recent trip down under, when I came across the fabulous takeaway but NOT takeaway coffee cup "keepcup", invented by some Ozzies living in Melbourne - congrats guys - great idea.

And again ... now why didn't I think of that.

Whilst you can buy them online, I was glad to discover that they sold them at my folks local hangout - Boncaffe, Frenchman's Road, Randwick. Dad was kind enough to pick one up for me (though he did winge about the price AUD 14.95) but I think it was well worth it.

They come in three (3) sizes and in a range of colours and I believe the keepcup to be a great invention. Check out their website http://www.keepcup.com/. If you don't make yearly trips home to the folks downunder like I do, and you live in the UK, they have also set up shop there, details on their website.

Sad to say, my local morning cafe supplier in Athens was not overly impressed with the keepcup as I am, though they have not yet denied me when I hand it over to them each morning for my morning latte.

My keepcup is definitely for "keeps"!!